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Monday, January 23, 2012

UK vs US Netflix

I got really excited earlier this week when I read that Netflix had signed a streaming deal with BBC Worldwide. Turns out, my excitement wasn't really warranted. Yes, Netflix did sign a deal with the BBC, but if you're in the United States don't expect it to have any impact on what you're able to watch anytime soon. The deal was actually for their new platform in the United Kingdom. The UK Netflix launched earlier this month. That's all very good and well, but I wish that the US Netflix had the same number of UK shows available (you'll know why if you read my last post about British television). Would you watch more foreign TV shows if they were available on instant view?


  1. Lets swap, our UK Netflix content sucks. I say content. There is none. I use a VPN and watch the American site.

  2. Which service do you use for american channels ? I heard about few like unotelly , unblog, vpnstung etc. which one is better ?
