SERIOUSLY DON'T READ THIS IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHO IS GETTING MARRIED ON "GREY'S" (also, there are spoilers about future episodes)
Well, all right, now that I've warned you...
The Grey's Anatomy Wedding

So, I was super concerned about the lesbian wedding that's coming up on "Grey's Anatomy". For one thing, is it even going to happen? We know how "Grey's" is at promising us things (Cristina and Burke?) and then taking them away. Luckily, there is now an 'official' date set for the wedding: May 5th. Of course, things are bound to go wrong. It wouldn't be "Grey's Anatomy" if they didn't.
There's been buzz on the internet that Callie's family won't be very accepting of her impending nuptials. In fact, there's some suggestion that her father won't walk her down the aisle, and that her mother's going to break the news. Well, at least that answers my one question about how shockingly accepting everyone seems to be on the show. This was also why I was pleased last week to see Mark Sloane's brief yelling match with Arizona, "You're not a family. Callie and I and this baby are a family! You're nothing!". Of course, Mark apologized before the end of the episode, and reassured Arizona that she was just as important as he was. There's now word that he'll be the one to walk Callie down the aisle, and that wouldn't surprise me at all.
There's been buzz on the internet that Callie's family won't be very accepting of her impending nuptials. In fact, there's some suggestion that her father won't walk her down the aisle, and that her mother's going to break the news. Well, at least that answers my one question about how shockingly accepting everyone seems to be on the show. This was also why I was pleased last week to see Mark Sloane's brief yelling match with Arizona, "You're not a family. Callie and I and this baby are a family! You're nothing!". Of course, Mark apologized before the end of the episode, and reassured Arizona that she was just as important as he was. There's now word that he'll be the one to walk Callie down the aisle, and that wouldn't surprise me at all.
Don't want to watch Greys anymore and it was my favorite show. I hate how every program on televsion has to jump on the gay band wagon! It's pathetic. If there isn't a gay wedding or somebody breaking out in song because Glee is so popular,the they can't hold their own. Hate it!