New Pilots Coming This Fall hopefully to a t.v. near you:aka Keeping Actors' Family Members in the Network Television Tree
no. not this kind of pilot.

Look's like Amy Poehler's husband, Will Arnett (of "Arrested Development" fame) is keeping it in the family. Emily Spivey, the writer of his wife's hit t.v. show ("Parks and Recreation") is the writer of his new show, "Alpha Mom". Oh, look, it also might be on NBC. Maybe it will even be on the same night as "Parks and Rec". Actually, that wouldn't be so bad. I've been missing Will Arnett ever since Gob was kicked off the air. Still, is this going to be yet another excuse for delaying the "Arrested Development" movie?
Other networks appear to believe in this whole 'support the family' thing too. Zooey Deschanel (the only reason why "Failure to Launch" was funny) is starring in a new pilot. The show is called "The New Girl" and is about an elementary teacher who's unlucky in love, and lives with three guys. My only concern is that it's written by Liz Meriwether, who also wrote "No Strings Attached". Which, frankly, was a terrible waste of time. Still, I have hopes for the show. And, oh. Look. It's on the same network as big sis Emily Deschanel's hit show, "Bones".

All right, this has nothing to do with family relations, but I'm still going to mention it. CBS might be airing "The Ringer", about a woman who's on the run and decides to borrow her twin sister's identity. Okay, I'll admit it sounds a bit like a Lifetime movie plot (actually, I think I
saw that Lifetime movie). But, and here's where it gets good, Sarah Michelle Gellar is starring in it. Honestly, after the disappointment of "The Wonderful Maladys" (which I have to say, I think had a much better premise), I'd just like to see her on the air again.
Here's an
article about some more potential series. Any other exciting ones you've heard about?
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