I know what you crazy kids like: Nathan Fillion.
If you don't know who I'm talking about (or you don't agree) you don't know what you're missing (a soul?).
He was brilliant in 'Firefly', but personally I enjoy 'Castle' even more (I'll probably get hate mail now. I said I like 'Firefly', okay?).
Anyway, 'Castle' was a repeat this week (see my rant about midseason hiatus if you're unsure how I felt about that), but Nathan Fillion did make an appearance on 'Conan' and 'Good Morning America'. For those of you who missed it, enjoy:
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
'Rizzoli and Isles' Returns!
'Rizzoli & Isles' is all new tomorrow!
Monday, November 28th at 10/9 C.
Monday, November 28th at 10/9 C.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Live! with Kelly, Saturday Night Live, and Seinfeld
Is 'Live!' missing Regis?
Personally, I found Regis Philbin a little irritating, and his banter with Kelly more obnoxious than cute. The running gag that he was the old guy who wasn't technologically savvy was getting a little tired.
Because of that, I'm not sad to see him go. I find Kelly Ripa less annoying, and better versed in popular culture. Since 'Live!' is really a pop culture, celebrity-obsessed show that's what is really important. Regis just didn't have that knowledge.
On a recent 'Saturday Night Live' they performed a skit that does an excellent job of highlighting the current issue that 'Live!' does have--who is going to replace Regis? While Kelly could probably do an excellent job by herself, the show's dynamic has always been based on the quirky relationship between its hosts. And the show has always been relatively successful. I doubt they have any desire to test the rocky waters of a single-host talk show (Ellen Degeneres kind of has that market covered). So, who will become Kelly's new co-host? Some of the recent temporary celebrity co-hosts have been better than others, but none of them are going to abandon their acting jobs to take a permanent position.
What do you think will happen? Who should become Kelly Ripa's new co-host?
Evidence of a bad celebrity co-host? Jerry Seinfeld. I appreciate his comedy but he made the interviews all about himself, and didn't give the guests they were actually interviewing a chance to contribute.
Personally, I found Regis Philbin a little irritating, and his banter with Kelly more obnoxious than cute. The running gag that he was the old guy who wasn't technologically savvy was getting a little tired.
Because of that, I'm not sad to see him go. I find Kelly Ripa less annoying, and better versed in popular culture. Since 'Live!' is really a pop culture, celebrity-obsessed show that's what is really important. Regis just didn't have that knowledge.
On a recent 'Saturday Night Live' they performed a skit that does an excellent job of highlighting the current issue that 'Live!' does have--who is going to replace Regis? While Kelly could probably do an excellent job by herself, the show's dynamic has always been based on the quirky relationship between its hosts. And the show has always been relatively successful. I doubt they have any desire to test the rocky waters of a single-host talk show (Ellen Degeneres kind of has that market covered). So, who will become Kelly's new co-host? Some of the recent temporary celebrity co-hosts have been better than others, but none of them are going to abandon their acting jobs to take a permanent position.
What do you think will happen? Who should become Kelly Ripa's new co-host?
Evidence of a bad celebrity co-host? Jerry Seinfeld. I appreciate his comedy but he made the interviews all about himself, and didn't give the guests they were actually interviewing a chance to contribute.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Nathan Fillion on 'Live! with Kelly' 11/25/11
On Friday, November 25th Nathan Fillion of 'Castle' appeared on 'Live! with Kelly' (the new version of 'Live! with Regis and Kelly). He was interviewed by Kelly and Jerry O'Connell. Watch the interview here:
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Great Thanksgiving-themed Episodes
This post should really be entitled, "Great 'Friends' Thanksgiving-themed Episodes" because, in all honesty, that's what it is.
Watching the 'Friends' Thanksgiving day episodes always get me in the perfect mood for the holidays, so I recommend you watch each one of them. In order. Come on, you have an entire night before it's time to start frantically preparing turkey, right?
Season 1: "The One Where Underdog Got Away" (S1Ep9)
Season 2: "The One with the List" (S2Ep8)
Season 3: "The One with the Football (S3Ep9)
Season 4: "The One with Chandler in a Box" (S4Ep8)
Season 5: "The One with All the Thanksgivings" (S5Ep8)
Season 6: "The One Where Ross Got High" (S6Ep8)
Season 7: "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs" (S7Ep8)
Season 8: "The One with the Rumor" (S8Ep9)
Season 9: "The One with Rachel's Other Sister" (S9Ep8)
Season 10: "The One with the Late Thanksgiving" (S10Ep8)
Watching the 'Friends' Thanksgiving day episodes always get me in the perfect mood for the holidays, so I recommend you watch each one of them. In order. Come on, you have an entire night before it's time to start frantically preparing turkey, right?
Season 1: "The One Where Underdog Got Away" (S1Ep9)
Season 2: "The One with the List" (S2Ep8)
Season 3: "The One with the Football (S3Ep9)
Season 4: "The One with Chandler in a Box" (S4Ep8)
Season 5: "The One with All the Thanksgivings" (S5Ep8)
Season 6: "The One Where Ross Got High" (S6Ep8)
Season 7: "The One Where Chandler Doesn't Like Dogs" (S7Ep8)
Season 8: "The One with the Rumor" (S8Ep9)
Season 9: "The One with Rachel's Other Sister" (S9Ep8)
Season 10: "The One with the Late Thanksgiving" (S10Ep8)
'Rizzoli & Isles' Returns!
As a Thanksgiving gift for you all, 'Rizzoli & Isles' is returning this coming Monday (11/28).
How excited are you? This excited?
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
HIMYM: Will Robin and Kevin break up? When?
Will Robin and Kevin break up? Yes. Mainly because they have to. In a contractually obligated sort of way.
Kal Penn, who plays Kevin on 'How I Met Your Mother', signed on for an eight-episode arc. That's not to say he won't be invited back in the future, but it seems unlikely that he'll commit to another long arc.
Remember when Penn first appeared on 'HIMYM'? It was in the fourth episode of the current season, "The Stinson Missile Crisis" (S7Ep4). He has appeared in almost every single episode since then*, for a total of six episodes. So, by the power of math (and Penn's contract) that means Kevin will only be sticking around for two more episodes.
So, does it matter if Kevin is the baby's father? Okay. Yes. It matters a little bit. But will potential parenthood mean that Kevin will be sticking around? I doubt it. Especially since Penn is currently developing a new workplace comedy for NBC. Why settle for guest starring roles when you can be the next Tina Fey?
*Kal Penn did not appear in "The Slutty Pumpkin Returns" (S7Ep8) or "The Rebound Girl" (S7Ep11)
Kal Penn, who plays Kevin on 'How I Met Your Mother', signed on for an eight-episode arc. That's not to say he won't be invited back in the future, but it seems unlikely that he'll commit to another long arc.
Remember when Penn first appeared on 'HIMYM'? It was in the fourth episode of the current season, "The Stinson Missile Crisis" (S7Ep4). He has appeared in almost every single episode since then*, for a total of six episodes. So, by the power of math (and Penn's contract) that means Kevin will only be sticking around for two more episodes.
So, does it matter if Kevin is the baby's father? Okay. Yes. It matters a little bit. But will potential parenthood mean that Kevin will be sticking around? I doubt it. Especially since Penn is currently developing a new workplace comedy for NBC. Why settle for guest starring roles when you can be the next Tina Fey?
*Kal Penn did not appear in "The Slutty Pumpkin Returns" (S7Ep8) or "The Rebound Girl" (S7Ep11)
Lets Talk About: Zooey Deschanel
Okay, as many of you know I have been annoyed by Zooey Deschanel in the past. And no, I'm not talking about her as a person. I don't know her, and I'm not about to trash someone I've never met. I've been annoyed by many of the characters she plays, and by aspects of her celebrity persona.
Despite what I once said about 'New Girl', I have to admit that the show is improving. I still don't think it's comedic genius, but when you hold it up next to other new shows it looks pretty darn good. Jess is still a little bit too doe-eyed, little-girl attired, cutesy hipster for me but she's starting to have an actual personality, so I'm more okay with it. Plus, I actually laughed out loud during parts of "Thanksgiving" (S1Ep6) so I have to concede something.
Jake Johnson is the real reason why I'm enjoying the show more. He does a great job of making the character of Nick seem like a real guy. While Schmidt (Max Greenfield) and Winston (Lamorne Morris) are more caricatures (and no, I'm not blaming the actors, but the writing, and maybe even the necessity of plot), Nick is like a real guy who could be hanging around in an apartment. Also, Johnson and Deschanel have great chemistry, which I'm sure will eventually be used by the showrunners in some sort of plot twist. Whether it is a Ross/Rachel scenario, or an actual long-term relationship remains to be seen (though my best guess is they'll use the 'Friends' trope).
My admiration for Zooey Deschanel has also increased because I'm secretly (Guess it's out of the bag now, huh?) obsessed with her band, 'She and Him'. Plus, I think the way that she dealt with Abby Elliott's impression of her on 'Saturday Night Live' was classy.
Despite what I once said about 'New Girl', I have to admit that the show is improving. I still don't think it's comedic genius, but when you hold it up next to other new shows it looks pretty darn good. Jess is still a little bit too doe-eyed, little-girl attired, cutesy hipster for me but she's starting to have an actual personality, so I'm more okay with it. Plus, I actually laughed out loud during parts of "Thanksgiving" (S1Ep6) so I have to concede something.
Jake Johnson is the real reason why I'm enjoying the show more. He does a great job of making the character of Nick seem like a real guy. While Schmidt (Max Greenfield) and Winston (Lamorne Morris) are more caricatures (and no, I'm not blaming the actors, but the writing, and maybe even the necessity of plot), Nick is like a real guy who could be hanging around in an apartment. Also, Johnson and Deschanel have great chemistry, which I'm sure will eventually be used by the showrunners in some sort of plot twist. Whether it is a Ross/Rachel scenario, or an actual long-term relationship remains to be seen (though my best guess is they'll use the 'Friends' trope).
My admiration for Zooey Deschanel has also increased because I'm secretly (Guess it's out of the bag now, huh?) obsessed with her band, 'She and Him'. Plus, I think the way that she dealt with Abby Elliott's impression of her on 'Saturday Night Live' was classy.
![]() |
Plus, I finally get how to defrost a turkey |
Monday, November 21, 2011
'HIMYM': "Tick Tick Tick" and "The Rebound Girl" reviewed
'How I Met Your Mother' has really been pulling on our heart strings recently. It's almost as though they've decided to switch genres.
Last week's episode "Tick Tick Tick..." (S7Ep10) was the most depressing episode of 'HIMYM' that I have ever seen. It opened with Barney and Robin in bed together, both grappling with the fact that they'd cheated on their significant others. Throughout the episode they discussed what this meant to them: Were they destined to be together? Was it all a big mistake? By the end of the episode Barney had ended his first ever serious relationship (on the very day he was supposed to meet her parents!) and wanted to get together with Robin. Robin, despite initially agreeing, had a change of heart when her boyfriend said "I love you" for the first time. The episode ended with the series' saddest scene ever: Barney removing rose petals from Robin's bed, and blowing out candles that he had set up all over her room, before she came home. The other story line, featuring Ted and Marshall high at a concert and a pregnant Lily craving nachos was not enough to distract from the pain.
It's unclear how much time in the 'HIMYM' world passed between last week's episode and the one that aired tonight...but I'm hoping for a couple of weeks at least. If you saw it you'll probably guess why.
"The Rebound Girl" (S7Ep11) featured a lonely Ted and a still emotionally distraught Barney. They drunkenly decided that it would be a good idea to adopt a baby and raise her together. This storyline continued throughout the episode--with Barney being the one to insist that it really was a good idea, and that he really did want a baby. Robin, meanwhile, was the center of the other storyline. She was devastated when Lily and Marshall told her that they were going to move to Long Island to the house that Lily's grandparents had given them. Her anxiety was present throughout the episode, and I think most viewers assumed it was because she felt that everything was changing...including her friendship with Barney, which had presumably been damaged when she rejected him and stayed with her boyfriend. Despite Robin's anxiety and Barney's obsessive behavior this was a much, much funnier episode than last week's. The jokes about Lily and Marshall's tiny apartment, the running gag that Robin couldn't turn around without breaking a lamp, and the appearance of a real-live baby helped to liven the mood.
Midway though the episode a distraught Robin locked herself into the bathroom at the Long Island house, declaring that she would not come out until Marshall and Lily promised not to move. Although she refused to open the door, she did end up opening the bathroom window numerous times to receive a cheese plate, have a conversation through the window with Marshall, and finally to let Barney climb through. He cautiously asked her if they could still be friends (leaving us to wonder, how much time had passed since last week's episode? Was this the first time they had seen each other since she chose her boyfriend over him?), and then proceed to tell her about the baby plan, leaving out the part where it was all his idea, and placing the 'blame' on Ted. Robin finally said something that explained her odd behavior throughout the episode: "I'm pregnant".
So, seriously, how much time has passed? Is it possible that Barney is the father? And if he isn't the father will Robin's current boyfriend want a baby? Based on Barney's behavior throughout the episode it's pretty clear that he would have no problem raising another man's child as his own and that he is still in love with Robin.
And, finally, was anyone else bothered by the similarities between Brennan's declaration to Booth at the end of last season of 'Bones' and this episode's ending?
On 'Bones': Brennan, "I'm pregnant. And you're the father." Cut to black.
On 'HIMYM': Robin, "I'm pregnant." Cut to black.
Ahh mid-season hiatus, you will be the death of me. Hopefully we'll find out what happens when new episodes start airing on December 5th. But, knowing how much 'HIMYM' likes to drag out storylines (who is the mother? And who is Barney marrying?) I'm wondering how long it will take before the writers choose to tell us anything about Robin's pregnancy.
Spoilers from episode airing Nov. 21st, 2011
Last week's episode "Tick Tick Tick..." (S7Ep10) was the most depressing episode of 'HIMYM' that I have ever seen. It opened with Barney and Robin in bed together, both grappling with the fact that they'd cheated on their significant others. Throughout the episode they discussed what this meant to them: Were they destined to be together? Was it all a big mistake? By the end of the episode Barney had ended his first ever serious relationship (on the very day he was supposed to meet her parents!) and wanted to get together with Robin. Robin, despite initially agreeing, had a change of heart when her boyfriend said "I love you" for the first time. The episode ended with the series' saddest scene ever: Barney removing rose petals from Robin's bed, and blowing out candles that he had set up all over her room, before she came home. The other story line, featuring Ted and Marshall high at a concert and a pregnant Lily craving nachos was not enough to distract from the pain.
It's unclear how much time in the 'HIMYM' world passed between last week's episode and the one that aired tonight...but I'm hoping for a couple of weeks at least. If you saw it you'll probably guess why.
"The Rebound Girl" (S7Ep11) featured a lonely Ted and a still emotionally distraught Barney. They drunkenly decided that it would be a good idea to adopt a baby and raise her together. This storyline continued throughout the episode--with Barney being the one to insist that it really was a good idea, and that he really did want a baby. Robin, meanwhile, was the center of the other storyline. She was devastated when Lily and Marshall told her that they were going to move to Long Island to the house that Lily's grandparents had given them. Her anxiety was present throughout the episode, and I think most viewers assumed it was because she felt that everything was changing...including her friendship with Barney, which had presumably been damaged when she rejected him and stayed with her boyfriend. Despite Robin's anxiety and Barney's obsessive behavior this was a much, much funnier episode than last week's. The jokes about Lily and Marshall's tiny apartment, the running gag that Robin couldn't turn around without breaking a lamp, and the appearance of a real-live baby helped to liven the mood.
Midway though the episode a distraught Robin locked herself into the bathroom at the Long Island house, declaring that she would not come out until Marshall and Lily promised not to move. Although she refused to open the door, she did end up opening the bathroom window numerous times to receive a cheese plate, have a conversation through the window with Marshall, and finally to let Barney climb through. He cautiously asked her if they could still be friends (leaving us to wonder, how much time had passed since last week's episode? Was this the first time they had seen each other since she chose her boyfriend over him?), and then proceed to tell her about the baby plan, leaving out the part where it was all his idea, and placing the 'blame' on Ted. Robin finally said something that explained her odd behavior throughout the episode: "I'm pregnant".
So, seriously, how much time has passed? Is it possible that Barney is the father? And if he isn't the father will Robin's current boyfriend want a baby? Based on Barney's behavior throughout the episode it's pretty clear that he would have no problem raising another man's child as his own and that he is still in love with Robin.
And, finally, was anyone else bothered by the similarities between Brennan's declaration to Booth at the end of last season of 'Bones' and this episode's ending?
On 'Bones': Brennan, "I'm pregnant. And you're the father." Cut to black.
On 'HIMYM': Robin, "I'm pregnant." Cut to black.
Ahh mid-season hiatus, you will be the death of me. Hopefully we'll find out what happens when new episodes start airing on December 5th. But, knowing how much 'HIMYM' likes to drag out storylines (who is the mother? And who is Barney marrying?) I'm wondering how long it will take before the writers choose to tell us anything about Robin's pregnancy.
![]() |
Back when Hannigan & Smulders were really pregnant. Boy, this storyline would been easier then... |
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Nathan Fillion: Twitter, New York, & Interviews
Apparently Nathan Fillion's twitter is useful!
Fillion announced yesterday that he was traveling to New York to attend premieres and promote his show ('Castle') on morning shows:
Unfortunately Fillion didn't announce which morning shows...but that's okay, because I did the research for you.
On Friday (11/25), otherwise known as the day after Thanksgiving, Fillion will be making an appearance on 'Live with Regis and Kelly!'. Which, weirdly, will no longer have Regis (his final show is 11/18).
Thanks to the commenter who pointed out that Fillion will also be appearing on 'Good Morning America' on Monday (Nov. 21st). The show airs on ABC and begins at 7 am.
Now, I assumed that since 'Castle' wasn't filming (how ever would they film without Fillion?!) that meant that Stana Katic would also be doing interviews. And I was right. Here's Katic on 'The Talk' (first airing 11/17):
Fillion announced yesterday that he was traveling to New York to attend premieres and promote his show ('Castle') on morning shows:
What's that, NY? You miss me? You wanna do what? Premieres and morning shows? I'm in!
Unfortunately Fillion didn't announce which morning shows...but that's okay, because I did the research for you.
On Friday (11/25), otherwise known as the day after Thanksgiving, Fillion will be making an appearance on 'Live with Regis and Kelly!'. Which, weirdly, will no longer have Regis (his final show is 11/18).
Thanks to the commenter who pointed out that Fillion will also be appearing on 'Good Morning America' on Monday (Nov. 21st). The show airs on ABC and begins at 7 am.
I'm not sure what else he's appearing on, since he doesn't appear to be on any late night show schedules. If you have an idea, be sure to let me know!
Now, I assumed that since 'Castle' wasn't filming (how ever would they film without Fillion?!) that meant that Stana Katic would also be doing interviews. And I was right. Here's Katic on 'The Talk' (first airing 11/17):
nathan fillion,
stana katic,
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
FOX shows on Hulu: Questionable Marketing
Hulu is many things: a way to watch free shows, an introduction to plot-points you may have missed during your busy week, and a marketing tool for TV networks and cable companies.
Hulu allows viewers to experience television's newest shows even if they missed them the first time. It's a way to suck in new viewers, or maintain current viewers, by allowing them to catch-up. It's also a way to reduce illegal downloads of shows, while still retaining some financial advantage (after all, we all know Hulu advertises).
Several of the networks are using Hulu in the best way possible: they are releasing shows within 24-hours of their air date. This allows those of us with work, with children, with busy lives, to catch-up when we miss an episode. Many of us would like to watch our favorite shows live but we can't, and Hulu is a legal alternative. Releasing a new episode within 24 (or even 48) hours gives viewers an opportunity to find time in their lives to watch the episode they missed before it is time for the next new episode to air. This increases the likelihood that they will watch the next episode live. Which is, presumably, the ultimate goal of the networks: to have the maximum number of viewers.
FOX is currently making a big mistake. While their new episodes do appear on Hulu almost immediately after airing, they are only available to Hulu Plus members (those people who pay a fee to access Hulu content). These episodes do eventually appear for free, but not until after the next new episode has aired. For many of FOX's shows this is doing more harm than good.
For instance, last week I missed an episode of 'House', a show that I often choose to watch live. I knew that 'House' aired on Mondays on FOX, so I went on Hulu Sunday night to catch-up. Because 'House' is largely plot-driven, missing an episode can be confusing. The previous week's episode of 'House' was still only available to Hulu Plus members--a full six days after airing. Guess when it did become free and available? This morning. After the newest episode of 'House' had aired. Guess who didn't watch 'House' live last night?
Sure I could continue to watch things a week behind, and as a viewer I wouldn't be too upset. But as a network FOX should be. I could easily become one less viewer who's watching their TV show live. And of course there's the separate issue: if content isn't available for free on Hulu there are plenty of other sites where a viewer can easily watch a show they missed. Everyone knows that. And using those sites is definitely not financially beneficial to the networks.
I just double-checked to make sure this wasn't a flux. It isn't. New Girl aired last Tuesday and it still isn't available for free on Hulu Plus. There's a new episode premiering tonight.
Hulu allows viewers to experience television's newest shows even if they missed them the first time. It's a way to suck in new viewers, or maintain current viewers, by allowing them to catch-up. It's also a way to reduce illegal downloads of shows, while still retaining some financial advantage (after all, we all know Hulu advertises).
Several of the networks are using Hulu in the best way possible: they are releasing shows within 24-hours of their air date. This allows those of us with work, with children, with busy lives, to catch-up when we miss an episode. Many of us would like to watch our favorite shows live but we can't, and Hulu is a legal alternative. Releasing a new episode within 24 (or even 48) hours gives viewers an opportunity to find time in their lives to watch the episode they missed before it is time for the next new episode to air. This increases the likelihood that they will watch the next episode live. Which is, presumably, the ultimate goal of the networks: to have the maximum number of viewers.
FOX is currently making a big mistake. While their new episodes do appear on Hulu almost immediately after airing, they are only available to Hulu Plus members (those people who pay a fee to access Hulu content). These episodes do eventually appear for free, but not until after the next new episode has aired. For many of FOX's shows this is doing more harm than good.
For instance, last week I missed an episode of 'House', a show that I often choose to watch live. I knew that 'House' aired on Mondays on FOX, so I went on Hulu Sunday night to catch-up. Because 'House' is largely plot-driven, missing an episode can be confusing. The previous week's episode of 'House' was still only available to Hulu Plus members--a full six days after airing. Guess when it did become free and available? This morning. After the newest episode of 'House' had aired. Guess who didn't watch 'House' live last night?
Sure I could continue to watch things a week behind, and as a viewer I wouldn't be too upset. But as a network FOX should be. I could easily become one less viewer who's watching their TV show live. And of course there's the separate issue: if content isn't available for free on Hulu there are plenty of other sites where a viewer can easily watch a show they missed. Everyone knows that. And using those sites is definitely not financially beneficial to the networks.
I just double-checked to make sure this wasn't a flux. It isn't. New Girl aired last Tuesday and it still isn't available for free on Hulu Plus. There's a new episode premiering tonight.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Tina Fey of '30 Rock' on Brian Williams' 'Rock Center'
I've seen Tina Fey give some pretty spectacular/hilarious interviews which is why I was quite surprised by her recent turn on 'Rock Center'.
'Rock Center' is Brian Williams' new show, and Fey was interviewed by him during the second episode.
To be honest, I think that the real problem was the chemistry between Fey and Williams.
Fey has a dry, sardonic wit and Williams was unable to verbally spar with her. Despite the fact that Fey seemed a little awkward, Williams was the one who seemed to be just sitting there, changing the topic often instead of helping Fey support her jokes. Williams is well suited for the world of serious journalism but I'm not sure he can compete in the talk show world .
'Rock Center' is Brian Williams' new show, and Fey was interviewed by him during the second episode.
To be honest, I think that the real problem was the chemistry between Fey and Williams.
Fey has a dry, sardonic wit and Williams was unable to verbally spar with her. Despite the fact that Fey seemed a little awkward, Williams was the one who seemed to be just sitting there, changing the topic often instead of helping Fey support her jokes. Williams is well suited for the world of serious journalism but I'm not sure he can compete in the talk show world .
30 rock,
brian williams,
rock center,
tina fey,
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
'Covert Affairs' is back!
Apparently summer television isn't just for summer anymore.
Both USA and TNT have decided to release new episodes of their hit summer shows starting this month.
'Covert Affairs' returned to our TVs on Tuesday (11/7), and I'm pleased to say that Annie Walker is as interesting as ever. In case you missed it you can catch up on Hulu. All new episodes will continue to air this month: Tuesdays at 10/9c on USA.
'Rizzoli and Isles' is also returning starting on November 28th at 10/9c. That's a Monday, which is unfortunate because it will conflict with 'Castle'. Time to prepare your DVRs!
Both USA and TNT have decided to release new episodes of their hit summer shows starting this month.
'Covert Affairs' returned to our TVs on Tuesday (11/7), and I'm pleased to say that Annie Walker is as interesting as ever. In case you missed it you can catch up on Hulu. All new episodes will continue to air this month: Tuesdays at 10/9c on USA.
'Rizzoli and Isles' is also returning starting on November 28th at 10/9c. That's a Monday, which is unfortunate because it will conflict with 'Castle'. Time to prepare your DVRs!
covert affairs,
rizzoli and isles,
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The People' Choice Awards--will one show dominate?
When the People's Choice Award nominations were released this morning many of you may have noticed the obvious--several shows have the chance to win multiple awards. Now, I cannot be the only one who was completely bored at the Emmy's when 'Modern Family' won the first four awards. However, when looking at the shows nominated for People's Choice Awards there are some that really deserve to win, and some that really, really don't. Because of that, a show having total domination at this awards show may not be a bad thing.
Here are some possible domination scenarios:
'Bones' could win TV Drama Actor (David Boreanaz), TV Drama Actress (Emily Deschanel), and Best TV Crime Drama.
(To make it a family affair Zooey Deschanel's show 'New Girl' could also win for Best New Comedy)
'Grey's Anatomy' could win TV Drama Actor (Patrick Dempsey), TV Drama Actress (Ellen Pompeo), and Best TV Drama.
'Supernatural' could win Best TV Drama and Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show. 'True Blood' and 'The Vampire Diaries' could have similar sweeps.
'House' could win Best TV Drama and TV Drama Actor (Hugh Laurie).
'Glee' could win Best TV Comedy, TV Comedy Actor (Chris Colfer or Cory Monteith) and TV Comedy Actress (Lea Michele or Jane Lynch)
'Castle' could win Best TV Crime Drama and TV Drama Actor (Nathan Fillion).
'30 Rock' could win TV Comedy Actor (Alec Baldwin) and TV Comedy Actress (Tina Fey).
'How I Met Your Mother' could win Best TV Comedy and TV Comedy Actor (Neil Patrick Harris).
And, oh, look what can't possibly dominate: 'Modern Family' (nominated only in Best TV Comedy).
The most impressive sweep would clearly be 'Bones', since they could take away a total of 3 awards. Too bad they weren't cross listed in both Best TV Crime Drama and Best TV Drama ...then they could have gone for four! Guess they might have to settle for Emily Deschanel's little sister winning Best New Comedy. That counts, right?
The show with the best shot at sweeping categories is 'Glee'. Having multiple nominees in the same category decreases competition and should work to their advantage. The only way this might not be a good thing is if fans feel divided about which cast member they should vote for, and split the vote.
Here are some possible domination scenarios:
'Bones' could win TV Drama Actor (David Boreanaz), TV Drama Actress (Emily Deschanel), and Best TV Crime Drama.
(To make it a family affair Zooey Deschanel's show 'New Girl' could also win for Best New Comedy)
'Grey's Anatomy' could win TV Drama Actor (Patrick Dempsey), TV Drama Actress (Ellen Pompeo), and Best TV Drama.
'Supernatural' could win Best TV Drama and Best Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show. 'True Blood' and 'The Vampire Diaries' could have similar sweeps.
'House' could win Best TV Drama and TV Drama Actor (Hugh Laurie).
'Glee' could win Best TV Comedy, TV Comedy Actor (Chris Colfer or Cory Monteith) and TV Comedy Actress (Lea Michele or Jane Lynch)
'Castle' could win Best TV Crime Drama and TV Drama Actor (Nathan Fillion).
'30 Rock' could win TV Comedy Actor (Alec Baldwin) and TV Comedy Actress (Tina Fey).
'How I Met Your Mother' could win Best TV Comedy and TV Comedy Actor (Neil Patrick Harris).
And, oh, look what can't possibly dominate: 'Modern Family' (nominated only in Best TV Comedy).
The most impressive sweep would clearly be 'Bones', since they could take away a total of 3 awards. Too bad they weren't cross listed in both Best TV Crime Drama and Best TV Drama ...then they could have gone for four! Guess they might have to settle for Emily Deschanel's little sister winning Best New Comedy. That counts, right?
The show with the best shot at sweeping categories is 'Glee'. Having multiple nominees in the same category decreases competition and should work to their advantage. The only way this might not be a good thing is if fans feel divided about which cast member they should vote for, and split the vote.
People's Choice Awards
It's that time of year again...voting time! And while (hopefully) many of you are heading to the polls today, you can also vote online for the People's Choice Awards.
The People's Choice Awards airs on Wednesday, January 11th (that's 2012!).
Nominees were announced this morning, and television nominations include:
Favorite Network TV Comedy:
*Modern Family
*How I Met Your Mother
*2 and a Half Men
*The Big Bang Theory
Favorite TV Comedy Actor:
*Jim Parsons
*Alec Baldwin
*Neil Patrick Harris
*Cory Monteith
*Chris Colfer
Favorite TV Comedy Actress:
*Kaley Cuoco
*Jane Lynch
*Lea Michele
*Courtney Cox
*Tina Fey
Favorite Cable TV Comedy:
*Hot in Cleveland
*It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
*Royal Pains
*Nurse Jackie
Favorite Network TV Drama:
*The Vampire Diaries
*The Good Wife
*Grey's Anatomy
Favorite TV Drama Actor:
*Nathan Fillion
*David Boreanaz
*Ian Somerhalder
*Hugh Laurie
*Patrick Dempsey
Favorite TV Drama Actress:
*Blake Lively
*Emily Deschanel
*Nina Dobrev
*Eva Longoria
*Ellen Pompeo
Favorite Cable TV Drama:
*Game of Thrones
*Pretty Little Liars
*White Collar
*True Blood
Favorite TV Crime Drama:
*Criminal Minds
Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show
*True Blood
*The Walking Dead
*The Vampire Diaries
![]() |
Click on me to vote! |
Nominees were announced this morning, and television nominations include:
Favorite Network TV Comedy:
*Modern Family
*How I Met Your Mother
*2 and a Half Men
*The Big Bang Theory
Favorite TV Comedy Actor:
*Jim Parsons
*Alec Baldwin
*Neil Patrick Harris
*Cory Monteith
*Chris Colfer
Favorite TV Comedy Actress:
*Kaley Cuoco
*Jane Lynch
*Lea Michele
*Courtney Cox
*Tina Fey
Favorite Cable TV Comedy:
*Hot in Cleveland
*It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
*Royal Pains
*Nurse Jackie
Favorite Network TV Drama:
*The Vampire Diaries
*The Good Wife
*Grey's Anatomy
Favorite TV Drama Actor:
*Nathan Fillion
*David Boreanaz
*Ian Somerhalder
*Hugh Laurie
*Patrick Dempsey
Favorite TV Drama Actress:
*Blake Lively
*Emily Deschanel
*Nina Dobrev
*Eva Longoria
*Ellen Pompeo
Favorite Cable TV Drama:
*Game of Thrones
*Pretty Little Liars
*White Collar
*True Blood
Favorite TV Crime Drama:
*Criminal Minds
Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show
*True Blood
*The Walking Dead
*The Vampire Diaries
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Happy Sunday!
I wish it was Sunday forever, and that Monday would never come.
But since that's one wish that's never going to come true...here's a photo of Stana Katic PLUS a Johnny LaRue video. Just for you.
And to tie them all together, here's an interview with Stana Katic ('Castle') that was published yesterday. The interviewer compares Katic to LaRue. I promise it will make sense if you just read it HERE.
But since that's one wish that's never going to come true...here's a photo of Stana Katic PLUS a Johnny LaRue video. Just for you.
And to tie them all together, here's an interview with Stana Katic ('Castle') that was published yesterday. The interviewer compares Katic to LaRue. I promise it will make sense if you just read it HERE.
Lets talk about the future ABC
There are tons of great shows on television right now, but we all know that come September some of the not so great ones will be gone. And that gives the networks and stations an opportunity to try again.
Here are a few deals that have recently been made. Maybe you'll see some of them on your TVs come September of 2012.
Feel like you need even more procedural dramas to watch? You might get your wish. ABC has recently signed a deal with Adam Goldworm and co. to gain the rights to 'Haunted'. The show would follow a female paranormal investigator who helps to solve crimes for the dead so that they can get closure. Sounds a little like 'Ghost Whisperer', but I'm hoping that it will be a little less serious and have a lot less of Jennifer Love Hewitt.
John Wells is known for his hits ('ER') as well as his misses ('Presidio Med', anyone?). His production company is still going strong, and they recently inked a deal with ABC for a 1970s based comedy exec produced by Joe Keenan.
Here are a few deals that have recently been made. Maybe you'll see some of them on your TVs come September of 2012.
Feel like you need even more procedural dramas to watch? You might get your wish. ABC has recently signed a deal with Adam Goldworm and co. to gain the rights to 'Haunted'. The show would follow a female paranormal investigator who helps to solve crimes for the dead so that they can get closure. Sounds a little like 'Ghost Whisperer', but I'm hoping that it will be a little less serious and have a lot less of Jennifer Love Hewitt.
John Wells is known for his hits ('ER') as well as his misses ('Presidio Med', anyone?). His production company is still going strong, and they recently inked a deal with ABC for a 1970s based comedy exec produced by Joe Keenan.
That's John Wells. On the right. |
Saturday, November 5, 2011
'Rizzoli & Isles' Returns
When is 'Rizzoli & Isles' coming back?
New episodes of the hit show are on TNT starting November 28th.
Check out the first official sneak peek HERE.
'Castle' vs. 'Bones'
I'm newly, completely and utterly obsessed with 'Castle'. I honestly don't know how I could have been missing such a wonderful show.
In the last two weeks I've managed to watch up to the current episode (for those of you who'd like to judge me, that's about 60 episodes). I'm basically smitten with the show. I love the main characters and I love the supporting characters. And the writing, and the directing, and the camerawork. Hell, I even love the grip.
Now that Booth and Bones have done a relationship cop out with the whole pregnancy thing I'm even more attracted to 'Castle'. Not only do Richard Castle and Kate Beckett have great chemistry but I also think that the writers have done a better job of creating a realistic relationship. Of course, in many ways 'Bones' and 'Castle' follow a similar formula--they both have a law enforcement officer ('Bones' has Booth, who is an FBI agent, and 'Castle' has Beckett who is a NYC Police Officer), they both have a character who is slightly more serious ('Bones' has Brennan while 'Castle' has Beckett), and a character who is quirky ('Bones' has Booth, 'Castle' has Castle). And lets not forget the fact that both the shows are named after one of their main characters. Oh, and they both are procedural crime shows with some comedy thrown in.
Despite that, the character development in 'Castle' is stronger. The slow and steady way that we have been introduced to more and more facets of Beckett's personality has helped us to grow to understand her in the same gradual way that Castle has grown to understand her. In 'Bones' we know that Brennan has had a difficult past, but it was introduced unevenly and unrealistically (a particular scene that comes to mind is the one where Brennan mentions that she was once locked in the trunk of a car for two days by her foster family, suddenly suggesting that her problems stem not only from abandonment by her birth family, but also childhood abuse. Abuse that was never mentioned again.).
My only hope is that Castle and Beckett get together soon, because if they continue this back and forth too much longer it will build up far too much hype. I honestly don't want them to have to deal with the same problem that 'Bones' dealt with--six seasons of sexual tension was easily three seasons too many.
It seems clear that with the secrets Castle is now hiding from Beckett if they do get together their relationship might implode. Maybe the show will create a Ross and Rachel relationship, replicating the drama of 'we were on a break' while making it appropriate for their more serious show. Honestly, while I want to see Castle and Beckett together and happy, I would also prefer for them to get together, break-up, and get back together then for them to extend the lack of relationship too much longer.
I recently saw this on Castle Confessions, and it sums up my feelings:
Castle airs on Monday nights at 10/9C on ABC. Bones airs on Thursday nights at 9/8C on FOX.
In the last two weeks I've managed to watch up to the current episode (for those of you who'd like to judge me, that's about 60 episodes). I'm basically smitten with the show. I love the main characters and I love the supporting characters. And the writing, and the directing, and the camerawork. Hell, I even love the grip.
Now that Booth and Bones have done a relationship cop out with the whole pregnancy thing I'm even more attracted to 'Castle'. Not only do Richard Castle and Kate Beckett have great chemistry but I also think that the writers have done a better job of creating a realistic relationship. Of course, in many ways 'Bones' and 'Castle' follow a similar formula--they both have a law enforcement officer ('Bones' has Booth, who is an FBI agent, and 'Castle' has Beckett who is a NYC Police Officer), they both have a character who is slightly more serious ('Bones' has Brennan while 'Castle' has Beckett), and a character who is quirky ('Bones' has Booth, 'Castle' has Castle). And lets not forget the fact that both the shows are named after one of their main characters. Oh, and they both are procedural crime shows with some comedy thrown in.
Despite that, the character development in 'Castle' is stronger. The slow and steady way that we have been introduced to more and more facets of Beckett's personality has helped us to grow to understand her in the same gradual way that Castle has grown to understand her. In 'Bones' we know that Brennan has had a difficult past, but it was introduced unevenly and unrealistically (a particular scene that comes to mind is the one where Brennan mentions that she was once locked in the trunk of a car for two days by her foster family, suddenly suggesting that her problems stem not only from abandonment by her birth family, but also childhood abuse. Abuse that was never mentioned again.).
My only hope is that Castle and Beckett get together soon, because if they continue this back and forth too much longer it will build up far too much hype. I honestly don't want them to have to deal with the same problem that 'Bones' dealt with--six seasons of sexual tension was easily three seasons too many.
It seems clear that with the secrets Castle is now hiding from Beckett if they do get together their relationship might implode. Maybe the show will create a Ross and Rachel relationship, replicating the drama of 'we were on a break' while making it appropriate for their more serious show. Honestly, while I want to see Castle and Beckett together and happy, I would also prefer for them to get together, break-up, and get back together then for them to extend the lack of relationship too much longer.
I recently saw this on Castle Confessions, and it sums up my feelings:
Castle airs on Monday nights at 10/9C on ABC. Bones airs on Thursday nights at 9/8C on FOX.
david boreanaz,
emily deschanel,
nathan fillion,
stana katic
Friday, November 4, 2011
Critique of 'Bones' Season 7 Episode 1
How did you feel about the 7th season premiere of 'Bones'?
Oddly enough Booth and Brennan's occasional moments of affection didn't feel strange. Each time they kissed I didn't feel shocked, in fact if anything I felt a little too desensitized to it. It used to be that a Booth/Brennan hook-up was something that fans looked forward to and that there was a lot of excitement associated with a kiss. Now it doesn't carry much weight. I'm not sure why this has happened, but it just seems as though they have always been together.
The storyline itself was a little weak. Frankly, I can't even remember what the murder was, and I only watched the episode a day ago (to be fair to the show, I have watched half a season of 'Castle' since then which does muddy my memory with its own murders).
Also, although I know that Sweets is investigating crimes with Booth because Emily Deschanel asked for reduced screen time due to her pregnancy, I miss the old scenario where Booth and Bones interrogate witnesses. I hope that a few of the episodes this season still have that.
In a way I was pleased to see that Booth and Brennan are not having a perfect relationship, and that decisions over their living situation caused tension in this episode. The fact that they said "I love you" to each other was also nice to hear, although I feel as though we got cheated out of the six months or so at the beginning of the pregnancy that lead up to that moment.
The scene where Brennan falls down and gets stuck behind the crate and calls Booth to help her was also telling. Despite the fact that it was a little too ridiculous, and didn't fit with the general tempo of the show, it did help the writers highlight the fact that Booth is the first person who Brennan thinks of when she needs help. She even said as much.
I knew there was no way that the episode could live up to its hype, but I also thought that it could have been stronger. It was a relatively enjoyable episode, but nothing extraordinary.
Funnily enough the thing I disliked the most was the new opener. Superimposing still images of the main characters over a moving background really bothered me. It reminded me too much of the opening credits of a sitcom. However, I do understand that if there is any time to introduce a new opening it's now, when large parts of the actual show are also changing.
Oddly enough Booth and Brennan's occasional moments of affection didn't feel strange. Each time they kissed I didn't feel shocked, in fact if anything I felt a little too desensitized to it. It used to be that a Booth/Brennan hook-up was something that fans looked forward to and that there was a lot of excitement associated with a kiss. Now it doesn't carry much weight. I'm not sure why this has happened, but it just seems as though they have always been together.
The storyline itself was a little weak. Frankly, I can't even remember what the murder was, and I only watched the episode a day ago (to be fair to the show, I have watched half a season of 'Castle' since then which does muddy my memory with its own murders).
Also, although I know that Sweets is investigating crimes with Booth because Emily Deschanel asked for reduced screen time due to her pregnancy, I miss the old scenario where Booth and Bones interrogate witnesses. I hope that a few of the episodes this season still have that.
In a way I was pleased to see that Booth and Brennan are not having a perfect relationship, and that decisions over their living situation caused tension in this episode. The fact that they said "I love you" to each other was also nice to hear, although I feel as though we got cheated out of the six months or so at the beginning of the pregnancy that lead up to that moment.
The scene where Brennan falls down and gets stuck behind the crate and calls Booth to help her was also telling. Despite the fact that it was a little too ridiculous, and didn't fit with the general tempo of the show, it did help the writers highlight the fact that Booth is the first person who Brennan thinks of when she needs help. She even said as much.
I knew there was no way that the episode could live up to its hype, but I also thought that it could have been stronger. It was a relatively enjoyable episode, but nothing extraordinary.
Funnily enough the thing I disliked the most was the new opener. Superimposing still images of the main characters over a moving background really bothered me. It reminded me too much of the opening credits of a sitcom. However, I do understand that if there is any time to introduce a new opening it's now, when large parts of the actual show are also changing.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
All New 'Bones' Tonight!
'Bones' is finally returning from extended hiatus, but can it live up to all the hype?
Fans have been posting all over the internet so much since the season finale that there is no way the expectations of viewers haven't been escalated. There have been numerous complaints about the lack of any sex scene/build-up toward Booth and Brennan's relationship. Of course, this isn't HBO or Showtime, and no one is expecting real sex scenes...but you know, we had that fake scene in the Booth dream-coma (Season 4 Finale) and we had tons of Hannah sex scenes (beginning of Season 6). For goodness sake, we even had Cam/Booth sex scenes! So why not give loyal fans something instead of skipping all of the fun of a budding relationship. 'Bones' is supposedly attempting to avoid the Moonlighting Curse, but I'm a little concerned they're going to accidentally jump the shark instead.
What is the Moonlighting Curse? 'Moonlighting' was a widely popular show in the 1980s which had a lot of sexual tension between its main characters, but when they eventually hooked up they lost tons of viewers. The belief is that people didn't watch the show any more now that they knew that the main characters who they had always wanted to see together were actually together. It's called the curse because there's a belief that other television shows will also suffer poor ratings if they bring main characters with sexual tension together as a couple.
Hart Hanson, and others connected to the show, have been interviewed about concern over the Moonlighting Curse, and have insinuated that the Booth/Brennan pregnancy will let them avoid it all together. They're able to skip all the lovey-dovey new relationship stuff and suddenly have their main characters just be together. The only problem with this is that a lot of fans really do watch the show just for those Booth/Brennan moments, and many of them were waiting impatiently to see how the couple would get together and what would ensue right after they did. That has all been lost.
Hanson and co. are banking on the fact that by avoiding the Moonlighting Curse they'll hold onto viewers, but what if their attempt at avoidance is the very thing that loses them loyal fans?
I'd bet a lot that ratings for tonight will be spectacular, but I'm curious to see what happens in the long-run. What do you think? Do fans feel cheated and will it stop any of them from watching 'Bones'?
Watch an all new 'Bones', "The Memories in the Shallow Grave", tonight (Nov. 3rd) 9/8C on FOX.
Fans have been posting all over the internet so much since the season finale that there is no way the expectations of viewers haven't been escalated. There have been numerous complaints about the lack of any sex scene/build-up toward Booth and Brennan's relationship. Of course, this isn't HBO or Showtime, and no one is expecting real sex scenes...but you know, we had that fake scene in the Booth dream-coma (Season 4 Finale) and we had tons of Hannah sex scenes (beginning of Season 6). For goodness sake, we even had Cam/Booth sex scenes! So why not give loyal fans something instead of skipping all of the fun of a budding relationship. 'Bones' is supposedly attempting to avoid the Moonlighting Curse, but I'm a little concerned they're going to accidentally jump the shark instead.
What is the Moonlighting Curse? 'Moonlighting' was a widely popular show in the 1980s which had a lot of sexual tension between its main characters, but when they eventually hooked up they lost tons of viewers. The belief is that people didn't watch the show any more now that they knew that the main characters who they had always wanted to see together were actually together. It's called the curse because there's a belief that other television shows will also suffer poor ratings if they bring main characters with sexual tension together as a couple.
Hart Hanson, and others connected to the show, have been interviewed about concern over the Moonlighting Curse, and have insinuated that the Booth/Brennan pregnancy will let them avoid it all together. They're able to skip all the lovey-dovey new relationship stuff and suddenly have their main characters just be together. The only problem with this is that a lot of fans really do watch the show just for those Booth/Brennan moments, and many of them were waiting impatiently to see how the couple would get together and what would ensue right after they did. That has all been lost.
Hanson and co. are banking on the fact that by avoiding the Moonlighting Curse they'll hold onto viewers, but what if their attempt at avoidance is the very thing that loses them loyal fans?
I'd bet a lot that ratings for tonight will be spectacular, but I'm curious to see what happens in the long-run. What do you think? Do fans feel cheated and will it stop any of them from watching 'Bones'?
Watch an all new 'Bones', "The Memories in the Shallow Grave", tonight (Nov. 3rd) 9/8C on FOX.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Newest 'Bones' Promo--Extended Clip
Wow, an actual scene from 'Bones' as opposed to little snippets edited together. Only two more days until the premiere! Watch the first episode of the 7th season this Thursday 9/8C on FOX.
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