Covert Affairs:
Annie, Ben, & Auggie
Annie, Ben, & Auggie
Finally, summer television is upon us! As much as I miss "Bones" and "Grey's" (note: a lot) I do have a few favorite shows that appear during regular season hiatus. While "Covert Affairs" isn't at the top of that list, I do find it light, fluffy summer fun.
"Covert Affairs" is about the life of Annie Walker, a new CIA agent recruited for her stellar language abilities, and for the fact that her ex-boyfriend (now current) boyfriend, was an ex (now current) CIA operative. Sound confusing? It might be if you haven't watched last season. So, I suggest you do that....now! Why the urgency? Because season 2 of "Covert Affairs" premiered on Tuesday, and you can spend this weekend catching up so that you're only an episode behind. Oh, and this week's episode is online so as soon as you've caught up with last season you can watch that too.
Now, some slight spoilers (only if you haven't watched last season): Annie spent all of season 1 desperately in love with Ben. But, it's clear that she never really knew who he was, and that love may be built on an imagined persona rather than his true one. Now that he's back, but seemingly out of the picture, will she continue to moon over him for the entirety of this season?
What I find particularly confusing is the dynamic that Annie and Auggie (ugh, I wish their names weren't so similar) have. Annie (Piper Perabo) relies on Auggie (Christopher Gorham) on a daily basis, and they are clearly close friends. Auggie's blindness doesn't get in the way of their case solving abilities or their friendship, but it seems to serve as a romantic relationship buffer. It is as though his disability stops him from being a true romantic interest on the show. I'm not sure where I get this vibe from (any suggestions?) but somehow the way that the show is currently written/acted keeps me from seeing any semblance of a romantic future for the two of them. This surprises me because on most shows on television the male and female lead characters (and that is really what Annie and Auggie are) have at least the spark of a possible romance. Will the writers try to add this in during season 2? Or is "Covert Affairs" the only show on television where a platonic relationship between the leads is really possible?
What do you think? Will Auggie and Annie hook up?
Also, does anyone else think of Seth's dad on "The OC" every time they see Peter Gallagher? That poor man.
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